"Music for Worship"
St. James Mar Thoma Church Choir, London (SJMTC)
The largest choir in the Church is the congregation. Role of the choir in leading worship is to help our congregation sing together and experience the presence of God. Leading the congregation in hymns and prayers is absolutely essential for worship, since praise is much desired by God.
Choir Members are introduced into the choir via audition process. Commitment is expected from each and every member. Members of the choir are trained in various tunes for Chants, Responses and Hymns. Instrumentalists, within the choir and from Church, to support in achieving the complete worship experience. This then helps our congregation sing in unison. Choir members are urged to prepare themselves to be the leaders in worship.
We have been consistently assisting our Vicar in leading all the Church services.
St James Mar Thoma Church Choir is affiliated with DSMC.